Seat Adjuster Bolt Cover

About this product

The Seat Adjuster Bolt Cover (#7232906010) is an essential component in Toyota's Body/Front Seat & Seat Track system. This integral part serves a primary function of protecting the seat adjuster bolts, which control the positioning of car seats. When this cover operates in its intended system, it effectively shields the bolts from external elements, thus prolonging their lifespan. Just like any other part, the Seat Adjuster Bolt Cover (#7232906010) might age, become damaged, or non-functional over time. In such cases, it's crucial to replace it. Neglecting this could lead to the exposure of the bolt, potentially leading to rust, wear, or even failure in adjusting the seat. By using genuine Toyota parts, you can have compatibility with your vehicle and benefit from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the condition of your Seat Adjuster Bolt Cover (#7232906010), you enhance your car's efficiency and most importantly, your safety by ensuring a well-functioning seat adjustment system.