Toothed Washer

About this product

The Toothed Washer (#9020507002), a crucial component in Toyota's auto parts catalog, plays a pivotal role in systems like Body/Tool Box & License Plate Bracket, Body/Rear Seat & Seat Track, and Body/Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat. This part, featuring multiple teeth, delivers increased friction and resistance to rotation, maintaining a secure hold when installed in a system. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Toothed Washer (#9020507002), offer compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement is vital, as wear over time can reduce the washer's grip, potentially leading to loosening of associated components. This risk can compromise both the efficiency and safety of the system. Keeping the Toothed Washer (#9020507002) in optimal condition, thus, greatly enhances the overall performance and security of your Toyota vehicle.